Thursday, July 13, 2006

Paying it Forward

Dave, Thanks to you, B's assistant got in touch with me, on instructions from B and asked me to send my resume. In line with your coaching, I sent her an email with my resume asking her as to the career opportunities for someone with my background! I’ll let you know what happens. Cheers.

Warm Regards

Dear MA,

That's great to hear- good luck! BTW - B is a runner training for a marathon, so when you send him a thank you card, you can wish him the best on his upcoming race; or you can even pick out a card with a sailboat on the cover as I'm sure he will appreciate the reference to his Catalina sailboat story. (it's all about get people to remember you and like you).

Thanks for keeping me informed.


Dear Dave

I deeply appreciate you coaching me on these things; absolutely precious and while I am 100% genuine, the semantics are different. I’ve never been good at this card thing but I am learning from the best. Mighty thanks. Should I send him a card before he talks to me or after?

Warm Regards

Dear MA,

You can send him the card after - remember the purpose of the card is to thank someone for something they did for you (in this case, their time, their advice, their referral to someone else). I have a good friend, Adi Treasurywala, who says in his culture, if someone helps you, a thank is best expressed by helping someone else and using their name in the process. I really like that as well ; it's a "pay it forward" philosphy.

In fact, I just did it by helping you and using Adi's name in the process.

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