Monday, February 05, 2007

A Good Guy - a Joke - a revised connection

Why do people email each other jokes? It has a lot to do with being "a good guy."

You likely get the odd humourous email in your inbox. Did you realize that a joke can strengthen your network and renew old connections?

1. Today I received a funny email with a surprise ending.

LETTER FROM A FARM KID (Now at San Diego Marine Corps Recruiting depot)

Dear Ma and Pa,

I am well. Hope you are. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer the Marine Corps beats working for old man Minch by a mile. Tell them to join up quick before all of the places are filled.

I was restless at first because you got to stay in bed till nearly 6 a.m. but I am getting so I like to sleep late. Tell Walt and Elmer all you do before breakfast is smooth your cot, and shine some things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay. Practically nothing.

Some got to shave but it is not so bad, there's warm water. Breakfast is strong on trimmings like fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc., but kind of weak on chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried eggplant, pie and other regular food, but tell Walt and Elmer you can always sit by the two city boys that live on coffee. Their food plus yours holds you until noon when you get fed again. It's no wonder these city boys can't walk much.

We go on "route marches," which the platoon sergeant says are long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it's not my place to tell him different. A "route march" is about as far as to our mailbox at home. Then the city guys get sore feet and we all ride back in trucks.

The country is nice but awful flat. The sergeant is like a school teacher. He nags a lot. The Captain is like the school board. Majors and colonels just ride around and frown. They don't bother you none.

This next will kill Walt and Elmer with laughing. I keep getting medals for shooting. I don't know why. The bulls-eye is near as big as a chipmunk head and don't move, and it ain't shooting at you like the Higgett boys at home. All you got to do is lie there all comfortable and hit it. You don't even load your own cartridges. They come in boxes.

Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat training. You get to wrestle with them city boys. I have to be real careful though, they break real easy. It ain't like fighting with that ole bull at home. I'm about the best they got in this except for that Tug Jordan from over in Silver Lake I only beat him once. He joined up the same time as me, but I'm only 5'6" and 130 pounds and he's 6'8" and near 300 pounds dry.

Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer to hurry and join before other fellers get onto this setup and come stampeding in.

Your loving daughter,


2. As it was tasteful and a little funny, I sent it off with an introduction (and my signature block) to a few friends including Frank Golden. Frank is one of my "good guys", an Irishman with a heart of gold who is a natural networker and connector. He helps companies develop business in biotech and scientific supplies. I thought Frank could use a laugh to start the week.

3. 3o minutes later, back comes a note from Jim Schille, a nice guy who who I hadn't realized now works with Kenwaunee Scientific in Western Canada. I had lost track of Jim - Frank had forwarded on the joke.

4. I picked up the phone and had a great chat with Jim. I'm heading out to his neck of the woods (Saskatoon) in 2 weeks, and we discussed have a coffee or beer and finding a way to develop business for each other.

5. Then I called Frank and told him "thanks" and put him in this blog.


a) An emailed joke can keep you in the "A" category (you provide value to your friends on a regular basis) rather than the all-too-common "B" slot (they only hear from you when you need something).

b) it should be be personalized (not a mass email) and appropriate (be careful about off-colour humour)

c) you can never say "thanks" too many times...but always with sincerity.


Anonymous said...

Perfect, the toughness of the challenge is all about your perspective. That made me smile


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh. Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh. Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Dave for the LOL.....ladies, I think Dave is trying to tell us we are "tough" but then we are "city" ladies......

Anonymous said...

Hello Dave ,

I really enjoyed the funny e-mail. I want to ask you a question. You are always talking about how being a nice guy is the way to go , but some people just shut you down for no reason. Please dont get me wrong being a nice guy is the best word to be described by in today's world. I mean I was reading the blog on Brian (the guy you helped previously) and I am pretty sure he is a nice guy (I wish I was in his place). I was just wondering what do you have to say to the people who are trying to get a start and are being shut down all the time?.


davehowlett said...

Hi Jp, thanks for your comments and your question. I actually write that being a "good guy" is the way to go. (eg you need a good lawyer? Call Steve, he's a "good guy", tell him I sent you). There's a big difference between being nice and good.

"Good guy" involves the 4 elements of referability. Knowledge/Skill/Experiemce, Personality, Reliability, and Altruism. Being nice is just a subsection of one of these attributes.

Please come to one of my KDS events this Spring JP and learn more!

Anonymous said...

You were mentioned on Career Hub today – we had over 4,500 unique visitors this past month.
